VUSAF Germany (Afghanistan-Schulen)

The German committee is based in a suburb east of Hamburg in Northern Germany. It was founded by Ursula Nölle in 1983 and registered with the court in 1984. Ursula Nölle founded the committed and was principal until 2003 when she handed over to Marga Flader and became herself the honorary principal.

Until her death at the age of 94 in 2019 Ulla - as she is known to everyone followed the progress of the projects closely. Her opinion was valued by everyone. Her last trip to Afghanistan was at the age of 90 in spring of 2015 (see youTube: Verein Afghanistan-Schulen).

Marga Flader had joined the committee in 1989 and the board in 1992. For her, the trip to the VUSAF schools in Pakistan and in Northern Afghanistan in spring of 1998 was decisive for her later role in the committee. Marga is keeping contact by email with the country director of VUSAF and OASE in Afghanistan. Furthermore, she is sending proposals to German government ministries and other organisations who are interested in supporting projects in Afghanistan.   

Marga Flader had joined the committee in 1989 and the board in 1992. For her, the trip to the VUSAF schools in Pakistan and in Northern Afghanistan in spring of 1998 was decisive for her later role in the committee. Marga is keeping contact by email with the country director of VUSAF and OASE in Afghanistan. Furthermore, she is sending proposals to German government ministries and other organisations who are interested in supporting projects in Afghanistan.

Tanja Khorrami is deputy head of the committee which she joined 1986. She was member of the board from 1992 - 1994 and since 2004.Tanja is cooperating with schools in Germany who are interested in supporting education in Afghanistan.

Leo Heyelmann is treasurer for the committee. She joined the committee in 2003 and the board in 2011. Leo is responsible for keeping the accounts in Germany in order and transferring the money to Afghanistan. So without her we would have a big problem.
The board members meet about once a month to discuss various issues connected to the projects in Afghanistan and to the work in Germany.

About every six weeks or two months the members of the "Working Circle" meet to discuss how to organize the work in Germany and to hear in person about the projects in Afghanistan.

Once a year the "annual meeting" is taking place in the village of Oststeinbek.   Every member is invited to take part, to hear about the projects and to take decisions about the plans for the future. The committee has around 120 ordinary members (who have voting rights) and around 120 supporting members (who give financial support only). Around 1000 people get the twice yearly "news letters".

The German Government appreciated the work which the committee is doing for education in Afghanistan and honoured the committee in 2008 when the President of Germany made the committee a "Place in the Land of Ideas".

Furthermore, in 2013 the Minister for International Cooperation and Development awarded the Walter-Scheel-Prize to the committee.